Engines are the beating heart of most FTD vehicles. There are internal combustion petrol engines where the player combines carburettors, turbo chargers and super chargers with cylinders and adequate exhaust, and there are also huge steam engines.

This light aircraft has got a two cyclinder fuel injected engine with radiators and exhaust for cooling. It’s not very efficient but the fuel will last long enough to get the job done.

This little guy is using turbo charged carburettors for more efficiency. The exhaust from the cylinder is routed through the turbo charger, and the turbo charger is feeding the carb. The more exhaust you put through the turbo charger the better the efficiency bonus it provides.

You know when you’re on to a good thing… by turning his favourite engine into a “prefab” player “Eagle” can kit out his engine rooms quickly to provide massive amounts of power for shields, lasers, particle cannons and propulsion. These highly efficient turbo charged engines feature large radiators for keeping the heat down and the efficiency high.

Our mathematically minded developer “Herpe Derp” knows the limitations of fuel and has moved over to steam for his largest battleships, where direct drive 7m propellers provide the speed needed to gain the upper hand. This picture features steam boilers, piping, pistons, crank shafts and the central propeller shaft.

Another “steam chain” showing the full chain of equipment from boilers to huge propellers. Now all it needs is a ship to match.

This dense steam design features the turbines needed for charging batteries as well as the drive shafts needed for mechanical power production.

A representation of the minimum viable steam driven propeller. Pistons crank the shaft, the gear reduction assembly adjusts the RPM of the propellers.