Beta Hotfix.

Beta Hotfix.

What’s up Depthians!

A quick little hotfix that addresses some small issues with the new camera system, we also added nicer transitions when swapping camera views.

If you do not like the transitions you can set the camera transition time to 0 from View & Control.

In the current stable update, we have incremental garbage collection turned off. This may have affected some PC builds differently due to different configurations of hardware (GPU/CPU).

We are trying to find out which method will be best for the player base by having IGC off or on.
In this current beta build we will reinstate IGC, as we are interested in whether the game is more stable with IGC off or on. For example: Is the game crashing more often with IGC on? Is the game freezing less with IGC on compared to the current stable?

If you see more crashes, firstly please ensure you are not running any mods no matter how insignificant you think it may be. You can then create a bug ticket here: attach the log file from your FTD profile to the ticket:
Default is: C:\Users\yourprofile\Documents\From The Depths\Logs

Your player.log file from:
C:\Users\yourprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Brilliant Skies\From_The_Depths

The crash dump from:

Please also include a description of what you were doing when it crashed thanks!



  • Incremental garbage collection has been turned back on
Refinery junction pipe
  • Junction has had orientations fixed (made the same as the mesh) and removed from build menu.


Camera movement
  • Camera control code was overhauled to fix a number of issues. New transitions between camera modes can be disabled in the options menu by setting the \” transition time\” to 0.”